Ghostbusters (2016) is everything wrong with Hollywood

John E. Price
Performing America
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2016


Ghostbusters is a horrible movie. It’s a comedy that isn’t funny. It’s a scary movie that isn’t scary. It’s a movie about scientists that shits on science. It’s an extended series of product placements interrupted by dialogue. It’s a social commentary whose message is twenty years too late. It’s a remake that insults the memory of the original and openly mocks its own fans.

Did I mention it’s a comedy that isn’t funny? Kristin Wiig practically falls asleep on camera she’s phoning it in so hard. Melissa McCarthy is a complete waste in PG-13 movies. And Kate McKinnon… wow. To be fair and balanced: I was petrified that Leslie Jones was going to be typecast into a superficial role and she turned out to steal the whole movie.

The only question I had after seeing this movie was: “Why?”

Ghostbusters is a movie that not only shouldn’t have been made, it should ruin the careers of everyone involved. (Except Leslie Jones.)

But, hey, Affleck survived Gigli, right?



Academic and Trekkie. I talk about the politics of culture, review nerd stuff, and golf a lot. Co-host: @podmeandering, #TopFive, @folkwise13