Top Stories published by Performing America in 2013

Orlando Ridout V

I only knew Professor Ridout for a short time. I took his “Field Methods” course at GW in Fall 2010 as part of my Master’s in American Studies. He was a caring and effective teacher of a subject that could be, at times, boring. Learning the difference between architectural types, material culture…

America Into Darkness

A warmongering Admiral secretly building warships with private security forces. Preemptive war. Terrorism. Suicide bombers. Blind revenge. So, that new Star Trek movie, eh?

Great science fiction invariably deals with the human condition and current events. This is…

Holidays Aren’t Just Holy Days

This is a belated response to Matt Lewis’ article “No, Die Hard Isn’t a Christmas Movie”…

Sick of hearing from colleagues and friends that DIE HARD is their favorite Christmas movie — an opinion derided as both smug and a technicality — Matt Lewis…

These were the top 10 stories published by Performing America in 2013. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2013 by using the calendar at the top of this page.