Top Stories published by Performing America in 2014

The Politics of a Micro-Generation

This week Reason published their latest poll numbers on “Millennial” politics and it contains some interesting numbers that are generally supported by recent Pew and Gallup polls. “Millennials” are considered socially liberal, and yet fiscally conservative. These…

Public Academics

Today’s column by Nicholas Kristof (note the lack of middle initial…) wants to make sure everyone understands that Kristof wants academics more involved in public policy. Only hours after it was published, there are already a lot of good commentaries about this, as well as the immediate reactions…

Republicans are failing millennials

Today, over at Elite Daily, I published a follow-up post to my previous discussion on competing political narratives. The main focus of my ire was the cycle of Republicans listening exclusively to conservatives who don’t live in reality. I look forward to the…

Are Invented Traditions “Traditions”?

This is Part 2 in an on-going look at the intersection of soccer and American culture. Read Part 1 here.

As a folklorist, I deal in traditions. To most, “traditions” are thought of as set in stone, passed down through time immemorial

Digital Trend of the Year

My friends over at the Digital Folklore Project have concluded their survey and declared #BlackLivesMatter is the Digital Trend of the Year. I admit, that was my vote, so I’m happy about it. Ferguson, especially, was such a monumental digital event — the outrage was all over twitter…

These were the top 10 stories published by Performing America in 2014. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2014 by using the calendar at the top of this page.